Friday, May 15, 2015

Fourth grade Giuseppe arcimboldo fruit and vegetable portrait

4th graders learned about the life and art of Giuseppe Arcimboldo. He did some very interesting portraits! He used many objects to make up the faces in his work.

We created our own Arcimboldo style portraits called, "You are what you eat!" They are made entirely of fruits and veggies!


  1. great! Is this marker? tempera?
    did they first draw in pencil, then color?
    Finally, did you have veggies there for them to observe?
    Nice job.

    1. Kids mostly used marker and crayon. Some used watercolor paint in the backgrounds. I have 2 posters that have various types of fruits and veggies on them to inspire kids to use more of a variety of produce. We also googled many types. It's a fun project that you could really use any themed item for..... sports items, toys, shoes... whatever! Have fun!

    2. Kids mostly used marker and crayon. Some used watercolor paint in the backgrounds. I have 2 posters that have various types of fruits and veggies on them to inspire kids to use more of a variety of produce. We also googled many types. It's a fun project that you could really use any themed item for..... sports items, toys, shoes... whatever! Have fun!

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